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Thursday, August 24, 2017

There's a Rumble in Berkeley Tonight

“...Ringside seats for the neighborhood fight.” Paraphrasing Brian Setzer, there are indeed rumbles scheduled for Berkeley and San Francisco this weekend. I suspect it will be more of the same we have seen in the Bay Area over the last decade or so. Some of the right wing persuasion are holding rallies. Well meaning people who oppose them plan to counter demonstrate, feeling that they must oppose evil when they see it. As we have seen in past demonstrations, along with peaceful, sincere protesters the anarchists or black bloc or just plain punks dressed in black show up and cause violence and property damage,  usually, without a Nazi or Klansman in sight. Now, with these groups present, the anarchists are presented with a perfect foil for their activities. Over the past couple of weeks they have been lionized on the left for protecting them from the alt right. I have come to think that the anarchists are in the pay of those opposed to the ideas peacefully expressed, because they bring discredit upon the peaceful demonstrators.

The alt right and so called anarchists are two groups itching for a fight and I suspect they are going to get one this weekend. Sincere people should keep this in mind and consider how this corrupts their message.

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