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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mind Control in Texas

There are reports of a gunman shooting up the University of Texas at Austin before taking his own life. A witness says that it does not appear as though he wants to kill anyone. I always wonder when I see a story like this if the gunman is not a mind control job or Manchurian Candidate. A person who suffers from multiple personalities and is suicidal is an ideal “Candidate.” One creates such an individual by subjecting him to torture and/or sexual abuse until he disassociates and makes the extra personalities whom the controller may manipulate. Suicidal people are ideal for the position. I do not know if this person is under mind control but we have to consider the possibility. To what purpose? Usually it is to induce fear into the public mind and make passing repressive measures easier. So, be careful when these stories appear and be watchful of legislation that curtails liberty in their wake.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Boob Wolff Whines Again

Oakland Athletics owner Lew “Boob” Wolff is making the rounds of the local media pitching his idea for a San Jose stadium and philosophizing on the A's need for a couple of hitters, which everyone thinks they need. In his comments to the San Francisco Chronicle he makes it clear that he does not want to spend the money and would prefer to develop home grown talent. In the last ten years the team has not done very well in this department. They produce “patient” hitters that get on base, but also leave too many runners in scoring position. During his interview on Comcast's broadcast of tonight's game he says he wants the new stadium and fan base to generate the revenue to acquire these sluggers. This is at once an insult to the current fan base and admission that he will do little to improve the team over the off season. With three losing seasons under his belt and a fourth likely and with his constant whining about the Coliseum it is he that alienates and destroys the fan base. I am beginning to believe the conspiracy theorists who posit that he is doing this intentionally and waiting for his new ball park before he hatches the moves to make this team a contender. Am I being too emotional? Hell, yes! I am a fan and that is short for fanatic. The A's cultivate an emotional relationship with us and now Boob Wolff wants to take this away. And going off to San Jose may as well be leaving for the moon. Some dismiss this as a purely business action. Well I hate businessmen and guys like Wolff make me want to become a Commie.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Coliseum Cacophony

Today was Dallas Braden bobblehead day at the Oakland Coliseum. I decided to attend, but arrived too late to glean one. That was OK, I should have left earlier as over 21,000 fans showed up. I sat in the cheap seats, plaza reserved as they are called. It was a poor view of the game, but what did I want for $9.00? The game itself was a dismal, dull affair. The normally capable Athletics' pitchers were terrible and gave up sixteen runs. The A's made it a game by scoring nine runs in the late innings, but it seemed like a game that would not end. In the last inning there were so many pitching changes, walks and errors that I thought it would never reach cessation. Anyway, that was acceptable because it was a baseball game. What was so irritating was the constant din from the loudspeaker system. Between innings and with the Athletics batting it seemed as though there was either a constant drum beat or the twentieth playing of “Zorba the Greek.” I felt my anxiety level increase with each rendition. This was a dull game and no amount of amplified noise was going to generate excitement. Only the game itself can achieve this. It would have been nice to sit in peace for a couple of hours and have made the most of this wearisome event.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Right Wing Muslim Activism

In today's San Francisco Chronicle there is an Associated Press story detailing efforts of Muslim organizations to foster religious tolerance. Nihad Awad, head of the Council on Islamic-American Relations (CAIR), calls on Muslims to open their mosques to other faith groups as well as urging visits to others' houses of worship. In May author John Loftus joins WFMU-FM/ personality Dave Emory to discuss Muslim efforts to infiltrate American society. Below is a link to the written description of this interview.

According to this depiction, “...CAIR (The Coun­cil on American-Islamic Rela­tions), a Mus­lim Broth­er­hood front orga­ni­za­tion in Amer­ica. Con­cep­tu­al­ized as sort of a NAACP for Mus­lims, CAIR is actu­ally ded­i­cated to the sub­ju­ga­tion of Amer­i­can con­sti­tu­tional and demo­c­ra­tic val­ues to Sharia–Islamic law. It would not be inac­cu­rate to describe it as a front orga­ni­za­tion for ter­ror­ists. CAIR was an unin­dicted co-conspirator in the recently-concluded Holy Land Foun­da­tion trial.” The Muslim Brotherhood is a right wing organization founded by an ally of Adolf Hitler. As I ask in an earlier post, who is financing these groups as well as the building of the Ground Zero Mosque?

Hawaii Five-O Premier

The initial episode of the new “Hawaii Five-O” is in the books. There are familiar things like the names and McGarrett standing on the same porch during the introduction. One of the characters is now a girl and we get to see her in various stages of undress, at least as much as network TV allows. In one scene the bad guy tells her to take off her dress so that he may check for a wire. She stands in her underwear while he inspects her. This is not even hot! We do get some more of the back story of McGarrett and Danno and some of the others. I did like this, because in the old series they just show up for work and we do not know much about their real life. The traditional, “Book 'em, Danno,” scene is weak and just lacks the intensity we expect. Finally, the best part of the show is the theme music. This is cut to a few seconds, presumably to fit in more commercials, so they even deprive me of my cool tunes. Other than the opening sequence showing McGarrett as a Navy SEAL capturing a terrorist, this show is kind of uninteresting and does not take some of the best parts of the original series. I am not certain I will watch it again.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Office Romances

Reports say that office romances show declines in recent years. It is interesting to learn that some companies encourage their workers in these couplings. Apparently these employees are more engaged and show more loyalty. I see can some potentially disturbing problems with this. If these companies are encouraging married people, then they are placing families at risk. This is not only the support system for the children of the marriage, but also for the worker himself. If they destroy this sustenance then the only thing he has in his life is his company. I think this is the case frighteningly too often as it is and now the corporate scumbags want to make it policy. If they are not encouraging married people, then they can only be targeting their single, YOUNG workers. If one goes into any bank or retail business all one sees are people under thirty. This is not hopeful for society or for those of us in our later years who still need to work. Nor is it good for the youngsters who may need a job thirty or forty years from now.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Singletary's Rant

San Francisco 49er's coach Mike Singletary's reaction to a Yahoo report in which an anonymous source is critical of offensive coordinator, Jimmy Raye, is reminiscent of Mark McGwire's response to Congressional questioning regarding his use of steroids. On last night's KPIX news Singletary goes on a rant about how he wants to move on and not talk about these issues. Singletary is angry that someone on the team is leaking information and that it is not true anyway. The source claims that Raye has trouble calling plays and communicating the plays that he does call. Since McGwire comes to mind I have to consider that Singletary has ulterior motives in his rant. I think that Singletary may be the source of the leak or it is at his direction. This way he puts the blame for the team's problems on Raye and deflects it from himself. Maybe his job is on the line and he is trying to shape public opinion ahead of what 49er management might decide. This is only football and the consequences to our society are minimal, but this is how politics and the economy work. Washington leaks are a time honored method of altering and forming public opinion. The sports fan who pays attention to nothing else should take note. This may be an example of how your lives are being run by those in power.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Corporate Space

Today's San Francisco Chronicle reports that Boeing's effort to enter the space tourism business, “...could bolster the Obama administration's efforts to transform NASA into an agency that focuses less on building rockets and more on nurturing a commercial space industry.” This is absolutely Bushesque. Another attempt to put the crown jewels in the hands of the corporate scumbags. Space is still dangerous and travel there remains research. I think the profit motive will lead to nothing but tragedy and the loss of our edge and prestige in this crucial arena.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Medicare Frauds vs. Honest Providers

Recently, I watched as a TV news magazine show (I think it was CBS' 60 Minutes) described widespread fraud of the Medicare system. They focused on criminals who would set up a phony medical supply businesses and bill Medicare for supplies like wheel chairs and other equipment which were never purchased or sold to beneficiaries. All these crooks needed was the name, address, birthday and social security numbers of members of the public in order to make these charges. Medicare claimed that it was under an obligation to pay within thirty days and did not have enough staff to investigate more than a small fraction of claims. Most of these so called businesses closed after receiving payments and were never heard from again. One gangster they interviewed, who had stolen about $20 million, had been caught and was serving a substantial prison sentence. It sounded like he was the exception and not the rule.

Today, one of my medical providers told me that Medicare was at least three months behind on its payments to him. In addition, he did not talk to actual Medicare personnel, but to people from a third party contracted by Medicare to handle providers. This was another legacy of Bush era attempts to put more money into the hands of investors, as government functions were contracted out. This has placed another level of organization into the billing process and allowed additional businessmen the opportunity to steal from the tax payer.

The juxtaposition of these two situations shows me that Medicare is more interested in paying criminals than in paying honest medical providers. I urge everyone to contact their elected representatives and make it clear that this is not acceptable.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Berkeley's Mountain Lion

There were reports of a memorial for a mountain lion killed by Berkeley police on August 31. Some in Berkeley objected to the police action and thought that the animal should be tranquilized and then relocated. The Berkeley Police should not be faulted for their actions. They were not equipped with sedative and delivery systems. Even if they were and the lion was darted, these drugs will not take immediate effect and the beast could run off, hide, sleep it off and remain a threat. According to the Spike Network show, Manswers, the deer by far has caused more human deaths in the United States than any other animal. This lion, however, was a predator by nature and could not have been allowed to remain in the neighborhood. These cats have lost the fear of humans which must change.

I do not want the police to have to second guess themselves in a future encounter. I think those who object to the outcome might feel different if a lion is about to scarf their Vegan rear ends. Some say this is only in Berkeley. I say get some common sense.

Friday, September 10, 2010

MacBeth's Digs

Recently, I attended a performance of the California Shakespeare Theater's production of MacBeth. I enjoyed the play as much as I usually enjoy Shakespeare as it was an interesting study of human nature and ambition run amuck. As in many a Shakespeare productions some of the sets and costumes were modernized and when MacBeth called for his armor, they brought out Kevlar. There was some gun play, but the climatic sword fight remained. I endured this and imagined that they were really Scots from hundreds of years ago. What I did not understand was the set. It appeared like an old, abandoned, Victorian building with broken windows and a sink and mirror that looked totally nasty. Hardly a residence deemed fit for a legitimate baron and illegitimate king. Before the play started I was left to contemplate MacBeth usurping the King of the Crack House.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Financing the New York Mosque

Many leaders of Muslim organizations in the United States think that opposing the mosque near the World Trade Center site is immoral and indicative of religious intolerance. Is there religious intolerance in the USA? The answer is yes from the beginning. These leaders are not going to change that, but they seem to want to exacerbate the issue by building their church near ground zero. Many Americans, although wrongly, lay the blame for the September 11 attacks on all followers of Muhammad. I think it is time for the Muslim leaders to shows some sensitivity, for the sake of their own followers, and back off. This building will not advance toleration of any religion, just inflame emotions.

Also, I would like to know more about the individuals and organizations who are behind the building of this mosque. This involves Manhattan property and I do not think it is financed by one hundred dollar donations, but by people of considerable wealth and I want to know what they intend to accomplish.