Yesterday, as expected, a riot broke
out in Berkeley, mostly due to counter protesters showing up. There
were few right wingers or white supremacists or whatever present, but
they abandoned the field almost as soon as the opposition arrived.
The police were keeping things under control until the black bloc
anarchists appeared. The so-called Antifa, trying to cloak
themselves with legitimacy, would not know a real fascist if he bit
them in the black clad ass. The white supremacists clowns who attend
these gatherings are a cartoonish bunch. I just want to laugh when I
see them on TV stomping their feet, seig heiling and screaming,
“White power!” They are simply fools. The real fascists sit in
boardrooms and wear suits. They do not tweet, but they quietly
arrange for the senators and representatives they own to pass laws
that will slowly bring about the inception of the corporate state,
where only the few will have a decent living and the rest live in
Those who proclaim that hate speech is
not free speech step upon the slippery slope. As the corporate
state becomes reality and their lives deteriorate, they might want to
justifiably protest. However, by that time the corporate state will
call their free speech hate speech and the police will gladly squelch
any such protest.
The Berkeley Police seem to be giving
these violent anarchists a pass. I wish they would actually do
something. Maybe arrest a few more and gather intelligence about
them like name, address, phone number and social media information
and start doing some work. I suspect this is too much to ask.