Yesterday, Matier & Ross report that the playoffs have been quite a boon the San Francisco Giants and that due to post season revenues the Giants hope to posts profits in the range of $7 to $10 million. Without these additional sales they were looking at a loss of between $4 million to $5 million. Apparently, the teams value had been estimated to have increased by $12 million. It seemed that this estimate was made before the post season revenues were considered.
I just do not understand how teams' value can continue to rise despite continued losses. I think there is a great deal of creativity in MLB accounting and these teams keep threatening to move because they can not make money. They are such liars.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Unsafe Killing
It was reported that the State of Arizona bought some lethal injection drugs from a foreign source due to a shortage of the product from U.S. manufacturers. However, a federal judge stayed the execution over concerns that the drug might be “unsafe.”
In the spirit of George Carlin, “HUH?” This drug is supposed to be unsafe. It is designed to kill people. Sometimes I wonder about the level of public discourse.
In the spirit of George Carlin, “HUH?” This drug is supposed to be unsafe. It is designed to kill people. Sometimes I wonder about the level of public discourse.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Beasts of the East Out: ESPN Disappears.
Last Saturday I got off work in time to see the last few innings of the Giants-Phillies NLCS game before I was to leave for a late movie date. I saw the end of the game and some of the post contest hoopla. I was not able to see any highlights and since I missed the first part of the game I was looking forward to viewing them. I got home from the movie late and tuned in the Eastern SPorts Network (ESPN) and since this game had to be top sports story of the day, I figured excerpts would be shown again and again on the network. But, no! All I saw was college football footage. I got up the next day and low and behold all I saw was their NFL pre game show. No NLCS highlights to be found. If the Yankees and Phillies had won their respective championship series then ESPN would have been breaking into their football show with baseball highlights. Maybe if Brett Favre had somehow been the winning pitcher they may have mentioned it. They seem to be fascinated with this guy. The San Francisco Giants and Texas Rangers completed magnificent series championships over their eastern rivals and show fans in the east that they are not entitled to the World Series. ESPN did not recognize this and became irrelevant.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Riots in France
There are riots in France over the attempts by the government to raise the retirement age to 62 from 60. Protesters accuse President Nicolas Sarkozy of trying to adopt an American style system. Vive le France, I say. Why would they want an American system that keeps pushing the retirement age later and later and along the way discards many of its older workers before they may reap the benefits of a lifetime of work? It would behoove American workers to emulate their French counterparts as they take to the streets. The wealthy top one percent are leading this country to Hell. I think they should have the snot taxed out of them to bring us back from that destination.
older workers,
Eugenics of the Small Penis
Occasionally I hear that white males are responsible for all the world's problems and that they take an aggressive and selfish view towards other peoples and resources. I shall now advance my thesis on the Eugenics of the Small Penis. It has been shown that human life started in Africa. Given the generally accepted hierarchy of penis size, specifically Africans with the largest, followed by Caucasians and then Asians, the question becomes, “Why has large penis size been bred out of white and Asian males?”
Students of psychology note that many men with aggressive personalities are compensating for their lack of penis size. This causes me to think that for some reason Asian and white women over the eons accept a smaller penis, because the man with the aggressive personality provides them with advantage other than sexual satisfaction. In other words they would rather have someone putting more meat on the table instead of between their legs. Apparently African women have not made this compromise.
Why, then, are not Asian men guilty of destroying the planet? I think Asian men with small penises are probably as offensive as anyone. Geography plays against them as the Pacific is too large for them to make effective use of it for plunder. They do make a pretty good effort at assailing their own continent. I imagine Genghis Kahn is not packing much on his conquests. On the other hand the countries of Northern Europe are in good position to exploit the Atlantic for raiding starting with the Vikings. Danes are known for being big men with small penises and their forebears show history what compensation is. The Vikings rape their way through Europe spreading their genetic deficiencies and domineering mentality. The other European countries that become maritime powers simply refine and perfect Viking techniques and use the Atlantic as their highway to spoil.
It is hard to argue that white men have not been tough on the world, but I have shown that their women bear some of the blame by trading sexual satisfaction for wealth and prestige.
Students of psychology note that many men with aggressive personalities are compensating for their lack of penis size. This causes me to think that for some reason Asian and white women over the eons accept a smaller penis, because the man with the aggressive personality provides them with advantage other than sexual satisfaction. In other words they would rather have someone putting more meat on the table instead of between their legs. Apparently African women have not made this compromise.
Why, then, are not Asian men guilty of destroying the planet? I think Asian men with small penises are probably as offensive as anyone. Geography plays against them as the Pacific is too large for them to make effective use of it for plunder. They do make a pretty good effort at assailing their own continent. I imagine Genghis Kahn is not packing much on his conquests. On the other hand the countries of Northern Europe are in good position to exploit the Atlantic for raiding starting with the Vikings. Danes are known for being big men with small penises and their forebears show history what compensation is. The Vikings rape their way through Europe spreading their genetic deficiencies and domineering mentality. The other European countries that become maritime powers simply refine and perfect Viking techniques and use the Atlantic as their highway to spoil.
It is hard to argue that white men have not been tough on the world, but I have shown that their women bear some of the blame by trading sexual satisfaction for wealth and prestige.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Beane Joins Boob Wolff Whine Fest
In yesterday's San Francisco Chronicle Susan Slusser interviews Oakland Athletics General Manager, Billy Beane. Beane calls the Oakland Coliseum “dilapidated” and says at least one potential free agent hopeful characterizes the field in poor condition starting in August. To which whiny bitches is he talking? Ball players certainly seem spoiled these days, worrying about cosmetic issues. Are the poor things the subject of teasing by other teams? A few days previous Clay Wood, A's grounds keeper, says in an interview that the field looks bad, but does not play shoddy. And dilapidated? The place does not look as though it is falling apart ala Candlestick Park, which at one point has chunks of concrete falling. Billy Beane joins the Lew “Boob” Wolff whine fest and this is part of the recent lobbying efforts to denigrate the coliseum and advance the San Jose option. It is false.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Athletics & Giants: A Cold Case
I was watching a late night re run of Cold Case. The victim was a disc jockey in 1958 who believed in rock and roll. He refused to accept payola, but pressure was put upon him to take bribes to play certain songs on the air. In one scene in which the record company representative was exerting his influence, the DJ told the guy that people like him take something that is true and good and turn it into tinsel (N.B. The ex-wife actually did it). In recent posts I have complained about marketing types for the Athletics and Giants who have taken something that is true and good (I know there are scandals in baseball) and ruined it. My specific complaint was either mindless or jinxing noise out of the stadium loudspeakers. Nice to see some art form comment on this also.
Cold Case,
Oakland Athletics,
ruined games,
San Francciso Giants
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Who Sold Short? Part 2
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reported that last May's almost 1000 point drop in the Dow Jones average and other indices was caused by a computer program that spawned a large sell order late in the day at a time when the markets were stressed. The SEC said that various factors were responsible for the crash. When I saw that this program executed at a time of market stress I had to think that there may have been manipulations of the markets (See Carpe HUNC of May 9, 2010). There was no mention of short selling on that day and and who may have profited from such a crash. I have smelled a rat and the stench grew. The SEC must start effectively policing these scoundrels and not white wash the whole affair.
San Franciso Giants Jinx Themselves
In today's San Francisco Chronicle, Henry Schulman described the scene at last night's San Francisco Giants game versus the San Diego Padres. He said that before the game a Comcast promotion was broadcast in the stadium which loudly proclaimed, “'Will this be the night the Giants pop the Champagne corks?'” This was opposed to all baseball etiquette and certainly jinxed the team last night. I assume that whoever was in charge of the intra stadium broadcast was some sort of marketing type who tried to drum up phony enthusiasm. Over one hundred years of baseball tradition dictated against this. It sent a message to the fans and maybe even the players that the Giants were entitled to the Western Division Pennant. The Giants were facing a team with which they have had trouble all season. Instilled over confidence was a poor choice. I complained about the noise level at an Oakland Athletics game recently. This was just mindless, irritating blare. In this case, there was also really terrible content. Whoever devised that announcement and the Giants official that approved it should be hanged from the highest yardarm.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Protests Over European Debt Crisis
The Associated Press reports there are protests by workers in European countries bucking against austerity measures dealing with the debt crisis. Protesters feel that bankers and their reckless spending cause the dilemma which undermines many social benefits. Good for them. I wish American workers would get a little of this motivation. Banks and other large financial institutions exacerbate problems here and threaten the lame benefits that Americans enjoy. I suspect that this is one of the reasons behind the global financial melt down. The wealthy one percent want to take every last cent that anyone else posses. They do this by higher taxes, lack of health care and unemployment benefits and increasing public debt. Of course, the governments borrow from these one per centers and the working public then transfers its net worth to the wealthy by means of taxes to pay interest on the debt. It is a real racket and I am happy someone is standing up to it.
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